Our service involves a thorough examination of your entity's financial statements to ensure their accuracy and compliance with relevant accounting standards and regulations. It is mandatory for all companies and organizations to conduct a statutory audit every year, and our service is of utmost value to your organization.
The primary objective is to express an opinion on the financial statements, which include the statement of financial position, income statement, cash flow statement, and related notes, to determine if they present a true and fair view of the organization's financial position. We also assess your internal controls and accounting systems to ensure their adequacy and effectiveness.
The output of a statutory audit is an audit report that provides an opinion on the financial statements. It also includes a letter to management that presents our findings and recommendations on the control environment and overall compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Statutory audit is an essential tool for ensuring the accuracy and transparency of financial information presented by organizations. It helps to build trust and confidence among stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, creditors, and regulators. By conducting a statutory audit, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to good corporate governance and financial accountability.